
Threats, beatings, humiliation ... the school can become a living hell for children who suffer at the hands of their own colleagues. You know what this is? Where and how does it happen?

The English term estrangement can cause a lot of people, but the aggressive attitudes and intentional repetitive ridicule, attack and humiliate people - so common among children and young people - is very familiar to everyone. The English word 'bully' means tough, tough. Acts such as pushing, hitting, name calling offensive, making threatening gestures, humiliation, rejection and even sexually threatening a colleague within an unequal power relationship, whether by age, physical or relations with the group are classified as bullying. The problem can occur in any social setting - at home, the club, at work etc - but the school is manifested more often.

What it is:
Bullying is a set of aggressive, intentional and repetitive that are adopted by one or more students against other colleagues, no evident reason. At first it may seem a simple game, but should not be viewed this way. The moral aggression, verbal and even body suffered by students causes pain, anguish and suffering on the victim of "game" that can go into depression.

The main forms of abuse:
• Physical (hitting, kicking, pinching).
• Verbal (nicknamed, curse, tumbling).
• Moral (defame, slander, discrimination).
• Sexual (abuse, harass, creep).
• Psychological (intimidate, threaten, stalk).
• Material (steal, steal, destroy belongings).
• Virtual (break out, discriminate against, defame, through the internet and mobile).

Por: Rafael Argemon
Colaboraram: Beatriz Rizek e José Alves
